Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Truckin' and Cheerin'

I am a horrible blogger...person....whatever....but I will try doing better :)
Wanted to update whats going on in KP's world:

First, we just got back from the Bahamas a few weeks ago. I know what youre thinking, but youre wrong! Josh, the husband, ended up with appendicitis and having surgery.... IN THE BAHAMAS!!!! He is doing better but still, not our most successful vacation!
Secondly, I am a busy body getting things ready for 2 Bridal Shows coming up!!!! The first is July 25 at the Botanic Gardens and the other is August 15 at the Hilton Hotel on Poplar. All you Bride-to-Be's make sure you attend these shows! They are very informative, you meet lots of great vendors, and dont forget to stop by CHEERS' booth and say hey!
I am also really pumped about the November wedding I just booked! The couple is great, the venues are gorgeous, and they picked out beautiful Fall colors! It's going to be a blast!!!
Finally, I forgot how out of shape I was! Minus the few runs a week and weight lifting when I can fit it in....I am sadly out of shape. I am teaching a cheer camp in California next month and have been learning all the cheers and dances that will be taught. I AM SO SORE!!!! My body has not done these moves and motions in years! This should be interesting to say the least :)
Thats about it for now. until next time.....


1 comment:

  1. You better be safe at cheer camp..... Don't make me come there! You know I will!!
